Cassia Torczon
Computer Science Ph.D. Student
A shield-shaped logo that says Penn PL in red, blue, and white PLClub @ University of Pennsylvania

Office : 571 Levine Hall (GRW)
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GitHub : cassiatorczon

Curriculum Vitae

A person with short brown hair wearing a red beanie and flannel. They are smiling and holding a black and white cat. In the background is a window with some fall foliage visible through it.


I am a third-year Ph.D. student at the University of Pennsylvania, advised by Benjamin Pierce and Stephanie Weirich. My work centers around theorem provers and their usability. Previously, I got my bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Mathematics from Rice University and then worked at Microsoft before starting my Ph.D.


QED in Context: An Observation Study of Proof Assistant Users. Jessica Shi, Cassia Torczon, Harrison Goldstein, Benjamin C. Pierce, Andrew Head. OOPSLA 2025.

Designing Proof Deautomation for Rocq. Jessica Shi, Cassia Torczon, Harrison Goldstein, Andrew Head, Benjamin C. Pierce. PLATEAU 2025.

Effects and Coeffects in Call-by-Push-Value. Cassia Torczon, Emmanuel Suárez Acevedo, Shubh Agrawal, Joey Velez-Ginorio, and Stephanie Weirich. OOPSLA 2024.


Call-by-Push-Value with Coeffects. Jane Street Programming Languages Colloquium. 2023.


Introduction to Haskell (CIS 1904), University of Pennsylvania. Spring 2025. Instructor.

REPL Intro PL Seminar, University of Pennsylvania. Summer 2024. Instructor.

Advanced Programming (CIS 5520), University of Pennsylvania. Fall 2023. Teaching Assistant.

REPL Intro PL Seminar, University of Pennsylvania. Summer 2023. Co-Instructor with Jessica Shi.


  1. CASSIE-uh TORK-zuhn. /ˈkæ.si.ə ˈtɔɹk.zən/
  2. she/her
  3. The cat's name is Pippin!